At Gelderman we are grateful for all of our staff members and the care they show to our clients and their properties.
At our 2015 Christmas Dinner earlier this month we were lucky enough to celebrate a total of 100 years of dedicated service:
**5 Years:**
[Henry VanHengstum, Water Management Specialist](https://gelderman.com/company/team/9/henry-vanhengstum)
[Jane Green, VP of Finance & Administration](https://gelderman.com/company/team/13/jane-green)
**15 Years**
[Shawn Lefebvre, Construction Crew Leader](https://gelderman.com/company/team/35/shawn-lefebvre)
[Mike DeBoer, Maintenance Account Manager](https://gelderman.com/company/team/4/mike-deboer)
**25 Years**
[Martin Horsman, Guelph Branch Manager](https://gelderman.com/company/team/11/martin-horsman)
**35 Years**
[John Buikema, Sales & Project Manager
Thank you for your loyalty, service, and for making Geldrman a great place work. We can’t wait for the next hundred years!