Alberta Clipper bringing General Snow Fall to Southern Ontario

According to Environment Canada, an Alberta clipper will sail across Southern Ontario today and tonight, bringing a general snowfall, with most regions receiving near 5 cm – 10 cm of snow in total.

Latest indications suggest that the snow will begin as flurries sometime between 12 PM – 2 PM, becoming heavier between 2PM – 3PM just in time for the evening commute. The snow is expected to taper off around 10 PM this evening. The snow from the Alberta clipper will likely have considerable impact on the afternoon and early evening commute home from work.

Driving conditions will deteriorate after the snow arrives. Motorists should expect to deal with poor winter driving conditions as untreated roads will become snow covered and slippery. Low visibility in snow and occasional blowing snow may also contribute to the poor winter driving conditions.

You can monitor the latest forecasts and warnings from Environment Canada at

Operations Update:

Like the storm we received Monday morning, we don’t expect to have enough snow accumulation to begin plowing until after rush hour has begun. There may be a delay in clearing throughways as the traffic conditions and afternoon/evening commute may hinder our crews ability to move between properties, however we will do our best to keep all throughways open until the snow stops at which time the salt trucks will be dispatched to required properties.

Once the snow has ceased to fall, we will then complete all driveways, walkways and throughways based on your contract specifications.