1 in 4 Canadian children is overweight or obese, a problem that can be prevented by enough outdoor play.

Natural Playgrounds are becoming an increasingly popular addition to residential and school landscapes, eliminating ugly and expensive play structures while benefitting children and the environment. These playgrounds use fallen logs, stumps, boulders and other natural materials such as sand and mulch to create endless possibilities for children to play and imagine.

Using natural elements in a playground greatly reduces safety concerns and fall heights. Elements of natural play grounds allow for imaginations to run wild as obstacles are not limited to a single purpose.

As sustainability becomes increasingly important in building, natural play grounds can be constructed from local logs that would otherwise be sent through the chipper.
From a design perspective, these natural playgrounds blend beautifully into the landscape and can be completely custom and added to or redesigned at anytime.

Check out Bienenstock Natural Playgrounds, leaders in natural playground design and construction!