Creating and Maintaining Healthy Lawns: Core Aeration and Fertilizing

Five years into the pesticide ban in Ontario, there are no longer any ‘quick fixes’ in lawn care.

When the cosmetic pesticide ban was implemented on Earth Day, April 22, 2009, all lawn care professionals became unable to access the many herbicides and pesticides necessary to maintain healthy lawns. In the ensuing years there has been very little change in the market place for products that will help control weeds and insects.

Enacted on the advice of medical experts – like the Canadian Cancer Society – who have made a convincing case for reducing exposure to pesticides, the ban is part of the Ontario government’s commitment to protect families, especially children, from pollution and toxic chemicals through tough new environmental laws.

While Ontario citizens may be healthier since the province’s cosmetic pesticides ban came into effect, it can leave our lawns looking a little worse for wear. With chemical controls banned, a more organic approach and a consistent, yearly, implementation of a lawn care regimen is essential to creating healthy lawns.

More information on the pesticide ban is available at [](

Following are services and products available to encourage and maintain healthy lawns. Some of these tips can be used by home owners, and some are products that have become available to lawn care professionals over the last few years.

## 1. Core Aeration & Fertilizing
Core aeration and regular application of fertilizer promotes root development and optimizes plant and turf growth.

### Core Aeration
As sod ages the soil underneath compacts making it difficult for grass roots to absorb water and nutrients. This can lead to your turf deteriorating and becoming more susceptible to weeds, insects and diseases.
Aeration involves the removal of small cores—or plugs of soil—which are then deposited on the surface. The small holes that remain help to break up compacted areas and allow water and air to penetrate to the root zone. Core aeration works best if performed in early summer or early autumn when your lawn is most actively growing. The benefits of core aeration include:

– Promotes root development through reduced soil compaction
– Improves nutrient and moisture absorption
– Discourages excessive thatch development
– Improves fertilizer uptake and use
– Increases heat and drought tolerance
– Increases tolerances to diseases

### Fertilize Three (3) Times a year; spring, summer and fall
Fertilization is a very important component of plant health care in the landscape. Fertilization is necessary to supplement naturally occurring essential mineral elements in the soil to maintain an optimum supply for plant growth.

Use a fertilizer with the appropriate amounts of nitrogen, phosphate, and potash for your lawn. If a soil test indicates high levels of phosphorus and potassium availability, then a fertilizer supplying only nitrogen is necessary.

### Fiesta (High Iron liquid Fertilizer to Control Broadleaf Weeds)
Gelderman Landscape Services uses a liquid fertilizer blend (15.5-0-0-2Fe) that contains nitrogen, and a high iron content to help manage broadleaf weed problems in lawns.

Using high Iron fertilizers has helped but has not eliminated broadleaf weeds. There is limited success as there tends to be some regrowth of weeds after a few weeks. For best results, a second application is required within a month, and a third application in the fall.

*Next week: Slit Seeding & Top Dressing*