Fall Lawn Care Tips

This dry summer has been hard on lawns. Get them started on the right foot next spring with a bit of pampering this fall.


As your lawn prepares to lay dormant for the winter you can help it out by gradually cutting it shorter. Lower your cutting deck slightly each time you mow until you are cutting your grass to about 1 ½” long. Be careful not to remove more than 1/3 of the blade of grass each time you mow. Any shorter than this and you will shock your grass. Mowing in the evening is easier on your lawn as the midday sun is not beating down.


By now hopefully your weed problems are under control but if not, be sure to pull any remaining weeds before the first snow fall. It is much easier for the weeds to begin taking over when your grass is becoming less active.


The fall is a great time to fertilize your lawn, trees and shrubs. Trees and shrubs will benefit from deep root fertilization in the fall. This will provide them with nutrients needed throughout the winter months. You can look forward to fuller, healthier trees in the spring.

Special fall fertilizers are available to treat your lawn before the winter. Fertilizing early in the fall will help your grass stay green longer and come back strong and healthy in the spring.

Over Seeding

Over seeding is a great way to help encourage a thick, luscious lawn for the following summer. Grass will begin to reproduce more slowly as it ages so seeding will help to “fill the gaps.” Follow recommendations for your grass seed before the first snowfall so you can enjoy a vigorous lawn in the springtime.

Rake Your Lawn

It is very important to rake any leave that have fallen before the snow settles. A thick layer of decaying leaves is a great home for insects and can also cause dead spots on your lawn which only encourages weeds to take over.


Over time the soil in your lawn will become compacted, restricting access for water and oxygen to reach the roots of your grass. To ensure the movement of nutrients through the soil, be sure to aerate your lawn annually. The fall is a perfect time for this so that the soil can absorb all necessary nutrients for the winter months.

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Post contributed by Chelsea Mills, Jr. Landscape Designer

Like these tips? Find out how we rehabilitated a Cambridge lawn here.