Garden clubs provide great information, chance to meet new friends and more

Gardening is one of the more enjoyable hobbies you can enjoy at home. The satisfaction, physical workout and an outlet for one’s creative side make it a very satisfying way to spend time at home.

Of course there is more to gardening than simply placing the plant in the ground. The more one understands plants and their needs and wants, the more enjoyable it will be for you.

One of the best ways to learn more about your hobby is joining a local garden club. Besides being a great source of information, clubs across Ontario offer camaraderie of like-minded people, opportunities of discount prices on plants, involvement in plant shows and more.

Two of the largest garden groups in Ontario are the Ontario Horticultural Association (OHA) and the Garden Clubs of Ontario. The OHA began in 1906, while the Garden Clubs of Ontario was founded in l954.

The OHA includes representatives all across Ontario. It says, “Despite the differences in climate and horticultural challenges, the thousands of individual members of OHA have many things in common: love of gardening, deep enjoyment in sharing their knowledge, commitment to preserving and restoring Ontario’s natural environment and dedication to making the communities we live in beautiful, sustainable and liveable.”

Garden Clubs of Ontario says its purpose is to stimulate knowledge of horticulture and the art of floral design. It encourages knowledge and love of gardening among amateurs, aids in the protection of native plants, trees, birds and soil, and encourages civic planting and promotes responsible ecological care of the environment and to promote flower shows.

Members of garden groups will tell you some of the advantages of belonging to a club include education about horticulture through meetings, publications, workshops and seminars; networking; organizing flower shows and plant sales.

To find more information on the OHA, go to, and for the Garden Clubs of Ontario, go to