Andrea Weddum accepted the Waterdown BLOOMS Gold Judges Choice Award at the Flamborough Chamber Annual Awards Gala this past week.
The Waterdown BLOOMS Planting Competition is a community beautification program initiated by the [Waterdown Business Improvement Area](http://www.waterdownbia.ca/
) in which local landscaping companies compete for Gold, Silver, and Bronze awards. Gelderman Landscape Services contributed spring and fall planters as well as bedding plants along Hamilton Street in Waterdown.
Special thanks to Wilf Arndt for orchestrating this program to make Waterdown beautiful!
More information about Waterdown BLOOMS can be found [here.](http://www.waterdownbia.ca/WaterdosnBLOOMS.html)
The Flamborough news covered the Awards Gala – you can find their article, including a [slide show](
http://flamboroughchamber.ca/mmgallery/2015-outstanding-business-achievement-awards/) from the event [here](http://www.flamboroughreview.com/news/flamborough-chamber-of-commerce-celebrates-outstanding-businesses/).