OPERATIONS UPDATE: Civic Holiday, Reduction in Lawn Cutting & Adjustments to Service Schedule

The hot weather we have seen lately can put lawns under stress, causing lawns to grow slower and risking “burn” areas.

To ensure lawns stay healthy and reduce potential damage you may notice a reduction in our lawn cutting; however we will continue to cut areas as needed to maintain a neat appearance and keep lawns between 3 – 3 ½ inches in length.

This will not affect your other services. All sites will continue to receive weekly visits, although they may be at a different day or time and, without as much grass to cut, they may be shorter than during spring and early summer.

  • Garbage removal and clean up will be done as usual
  • Weeding and deadheading beds will continue as usual
  • Pruning of shrubs and bushes will be done as required

Please also note that our crews will not be working on Monday, August 1st in observance of the Civic Holiday.

Want more info on keeping you lawn healthy? Check out these 5 tips.