Our Maintenance Team is Growing!

To continue to be more responsive to our clients, we are happy to announce that Chris Wilbur has joined our Waterdown team as a Handy Man in our maintenance department.

This new service position is a one-person operation offering flexibility for smaller repairs such as: fence repair, plant replacement and sink-hole repair (lawn or patio).

A jack-of-all-trades, Chris has worked in the horticulture and landscape field since 2004, doing everything from sales to landscaping, brick-laying, designing, and plant diagnosis. He has an extensive knowledge of weed identification, grass species, and native plants, and how they interact with each other and their environments. Chris honed his customer service skills through 8 years working in garden centres and nurseries, and received his Horticultural Technician certification at St. Clair College.

Welcome Chris, we look forward to working with you!

**Find out more about Chris & the rest of our team [here](https://gelderman.com/company/team).**

### Does *your* property need some improvement?
Contact your Account Manager, or check out our [commercial landscape construction](https://gelderman.com/commercial/construction) services.