A staple of the fall garden, asters burst forth with their star-like flowers in late summer and autumn. Asters are tough, reliable perennials hardy just about anywhere in Canada.
Bloom colors include rich pinks, blues, purples, and ruby reds. They can soar to 5 feet, depending on the species, and are excellent for beds and borders as well as for cutting to bring indoors.
### Caring for Asters
Plant in moisture-retentive soil and do not allow it to dry out. Water at ground level to avoid wetting foliage. Plant in full sun, making sure clumps won’t be shaded later by taller perennials. Allow plenty of space between clumps for good air circulation. Avoid planting asters close to buildings or fences that can block air flow.
### About the Monch Aster
The Monch Aster’s large, clear lavender-blue single flowers bloom profusely from July to October. Sturdy clumps grow 75 x 60 centimeters; tolerates drier soils without developing mildew. Heights vary significantly (from 35 to 75 centimeters) according to growing conditions, with rich, moist soil producing taller plants.