One sure sign of spring is when the witch hazels are in bloom! This one of a kind shrub flowers the end of March to late April and has very long lasting blooms.
Flower colour ranges from bright yellow to red (depending on variety) and have a very delicate fragrance. Although this shrub is easy to grow and relatively tolerant to many conditions, it’s surprisingly not often used in the landscape. Witch hazels complement other spring flowering plants such as tulips or primulas and offer structure to the garden the rest of the year. In the fall the leaves will turn brilliant yellow to orange!
**Growing Conditions:** They grow in full sun to part shade.
**Size:** This shrub has a very upright, vase form, mature size 7’ tall, 6’ spread (various sizes and varieties).
**Hardiness:** Adaptable from zones 4-6
**Where to Plant:** This shrub is well suited to woodland gardens, full sun beds or foundation plantings.
**Plant Partners:** Great companions are spring flowering bulbs such as tulips or daffodils or broadleaf evergreens such as rhododendrons or Japanese pieris.
**Recommended Varieties:**
– ‘Arnold Promise’ – one of the better yellow flowering cultivars
– ‘Diane’ – beautiful orange-red blooms in the spring, same leaf colour in autumn
– Hamamelis virginiana – Common Witch Hazel – our native witch hazel which blooms in the fall as oppose to spring, bright yellow fall colour follows
Spring is nearly here, I am looking forward to the up and coming show of flowers!
By Andrea Weddum
*Post contributed by Andrea Weddum, Landscape Designer*
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