Your backyard pool is a great way to beat the heat and stay fit while having fun, as long as you take the necessary safety precautions.
Many pool accidents can be prevented. Children are at the highest risk because they often lack adequate supervision and do not understand the dangers associated with the swimming pool.
Here are some tips to help safeguard your pool and limit your liability:
- Take a course in CPR and lifesaving skills.
- Build a fence and gate that will keep children away from your pool. Lock the gate when the pool is not in use.
- Always supervise anyone using the pool.
- Store lifesaving equipment, first aid kits and emergency phone numbers nearby.
- Ensure children who cannot swim and those under the age of three wear a life jacket.
- Walk on the deck area to prevent slip and falls.
- Never dive in a shallow pool.
- Never swim after dark or during a thunder storm.
Being a responsible and prepared swimming pool owner will allow you to enjoy the summer with your family and friends.