This week, Gelderman Landscape Services attended the Snowfighters Institute in our first step toward ISO Certification for our snow & ice services!
Erie, Pennsylvania, June 10, 2015 – The Snowfighters Institute, led by ISO Specialist, Tammy Johnson recently hosted snow and ice management professionals from market areas across the United States and Canada.
John Allin, founder of Snowfighters Institute says, “The ISO Certification is the epitome of professionalism in any industry. To go through this process is to educate yourself and your staff on how to operate at a higher plane that has been previously available to snow and ice management contractors. Those within the snow industry who understand what has happened over the past 20 years cannot help but recognize how the industry has grown from a fragmented, unorganized and unsophisticated lot into the true businesspeople we espouse to be. Professionalism abounds as the industry bands together to develop itself into an educated and respected group of dedicated professionals who service others in a manner consistent with high standards.”
Johnson said, “The need for professional snow and ice management companies has grown significantly over the last two decades. Companies that are pursuing their ISO/SN 9001 certification are dedicated to quality and customer satisfaction. [Insert last name] was one of the industry leaders who participated in this event, and interacted with other industry professionals immersing themselves in ISO 9001 and SN 9001 standards for three days.”
Snow management is a mission critical service for many customers, and it comes with a degree of risk and a price. Invitees interacted with each other in a facilitated discussion to learn more about ISO/SN 9001 written industry standards. Discussions included implementing a quality management system, industry standards, and how SN 9001 ties into the ISO 9001 quality management system.
About Snowfighters Institute:
Snowfighters Institute was founded by John Allin in 2010, and has become the conduit for learning and developing prudent business strategies and philosophies. Snowfighters Institute was created to “forever pursue, research, and develop snow industry training”. This is the first entity fully dedicated to educational pursuits as they pertain to the snow and ice management industry. Here, snow contractors of all sizes gather to learn about and discuss specific topics pertaining to all aspects of managing and running a snow contracting operation in small group sessions which allows for interactive and often lively discussions.
Find out how else we do Snow & Ice differently here.