Firming up the foundation for a confident kick-off!
Last Thursday we were able to gather as a company and kick-off into the new season. This morning consisted of general company updates, what we are looking forward to and in general was an inspiring day for all.
The morning began with a State of the Union address from Nathan (President) where he spoke about our company mission and the vision we are working towards each day. We heard news from Deborah (Director of HR) directly relating to employees and what they can expect to see over the next year. Linda (Health & Safety Manager) brought us all up to speed on our safety goals for the coming year.
In general, Gelderman has a lot of BHAG’s (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals!) but working together and with a shared vision, we can make it happen!
The highlight of this morning kick-off event was a workshop led by our Director of Business Development, Andrew. He led us through an inspiring conversation about Gelderman’s core values.
Gelderman’s Core Values:
– Respect
– Passion
– Caring
– Integrity
Each value was first introduced by a member of the senior management team. Chris, Grant, Jane, and Roy shared their own stories and examples about how they see these core values at work in Gelderman.
After each introduction, we all worked in the groups at each table and compiled our own stories that showcased these values at work. It was inspiring to hear the many stories as they were shared with the room!
Some of the stories that were shared:
Finding an injured dog on the road, pulling over and tending to the animal until help came.
– Reaching out to a customer whose vehicle was damaged during a plow event to make arrangements. She had no idea it was Gelderman’s mistake!
– An employee who saved a life this winter when he pulled over to help a man lying in a snowbank.
– Treating all employees equally, regardless of title, and showing respect to all.
– Having a passion for the industry doesn’t have to be loud. Constant commitment, a good attitude and a willingness to learn shows passion.
At one point Grant asked the room to raise their hand if a customer had ever treated them while they were on site. More than 75% of the room raised their hands! This tangible sign of mutual respect between customers and staff was uplifting. These values are the basis of everything we do at Gelderman.
Have a happy spring everyone – let’s get to work!