After the company spring kickoff, our management team stayed together for an eye-opening experience.
Nathan led the management team through a challenge. Build a free-standing tower, as tall as you can. The tallest tower wins!
But there was a catch. This structure had to be created with only 4 pieces of material:
– 20 Dry Spaghetti Noodles
– 1 yard of string
– 1 yard of masking tape
– 1 Marshmallow… which needed to be at the top!
Not surprisingly, the level of competition in the room was high! It was interesting to see everyone fall into their roles, leaders took charge, designers designed and the motivators kept their teams excited.
At the end of the 18-minute time limit, two towers were standing. There was a lot learned during this exercise about what activities hold back progress, which promotes it, and how it’s important to not let the distractions get in the way of the end goal.
Click through for pictures of the challenge and to see the winning team’s structure!