The [Sanderson Management ](http://www.sandersonmanagement.com/)offices in Kitchener were a flurry of activity this weekend as they prepared for their first Christmas decorating contest.
The Sanderson staff worked in three groups, each one responsible for decorating one floor of the offices. Gelderman’s Nathan Helder, Chris Mace & Martin Horsman were honored to judge the results of their hard work. Judging was based on the following criteria:
– Visual Impact (viewer’s perspective)
– Originality/Creativity (use of new ideas etc.)
– Craftsmanship (well-constructed, not messy etc.)
– Attention to a Theme
– Completeness (use of space)
### And the Winners Are
The basement, inspired by National Lampoons’ Christmas Vacation, won by a mere half point. A close second was the the top floor’s ‘Twas the Night before Christmas. The ground floor’s gingerbread house theme was a strong third. Great work – everyone did such a good job it was hard to select a winner!
After the judging, everyone enjoyed a traditional turkey lunch, during which the Sanderson teams could be heard planning for next year’s contest. A big thank you to [Sanderson Management](http://www.sandersonmanagement.com/) for inviting us to participate!
Click on the picture above for pictures from the contest.