Last year, Gelderman Landscape Services gave away a $10,000 landscape makeover to someone who could really use a beautiful oasis at their home. We are about to do it again.
Share the Care is a program that was created in 2015 to mark our 60th year in business. The program was so popular that we decided to offer it again this year.
*“We recognize that a professionally designed and built landscape is not an option for everyone,”* says Share the Care coordinator Chris Mace, Gelderman’s VP of Landscape and Design. *“We’re eager to provide a deserving homeowner who may not be able to afford the cost of a new outdoor living space.”*
*“It’s an opportunity for us to do something wonderful for someone,”* says Gelderman owner Nathan Helder. *“If you know someone who has always wanted a better landscape at home, but can’t seem to make it happen, now is your chance to help them out. Just enter their name into the contest. It is a great way to show you care, too.”*
If you know of a deserving person who would love a great space, but can’t achieve it on their own, we want to hear about it.
Selecting a winner last year was a difficult decision, however, it was felt that Lisa and Allan Logie of Burlington would receive the most positive impact of a new outdoor space. They enjoyed their brand new $10,000 landscape throughout the summer. *“Thank you so much. Words cannot express how awesome this is. I’m still in shock and very excited,”* wrote Lisa following the installation of the new landscape. ([See Allan and Lisa Logie with Chris and Nathan in LO Magazine.](http://issuu.com/landscape_ontario/docs/november_2015_lo_magazine_for_web/17?e=1143604/31271991))
Coming soon, we will ask you to send your reasons in 150 words on why you feel someone would love and deserve a beautiful new landscape. Stay tuned for that announcement.
Click [here](https://gelderman.com/blog/403/were-giving-away-a-free-landscape-again-this-year) to access our slideshow of before, during & after shots of the transformation!