We’ve been preparing for winter since early fall

While most of us basked in the beautiful weather this fall, our crews have been busy preparing for the tough winter conditions ahead.

From training to prepping new equipment, it’s been a busy time for staff members responsible for our winter maintenance programs.

Before the season begins, our snow managers complete customer site visits with property managers to update snow maps, discuss snow piling locations, review possible hazards, and to check for any pre-existing damage that may exist at the property.

Winter training

In early November staff members attended a full-day of winter-orientation and snow training that included presentations by Kathleen Schrumm, Condominium Board President at 20 Isherwood in Cambridge and Steve Peterson, a 30-year veteran of the Hamilton Police Department, who is trained in MTO safety procedures. The day concluded with crew members taking part in hands-on training stations.

Those staff members who took part in the training day first completed L.S. Training modules and practical equipment training.

Grant Harrison, Gelderman Landscape Services VP of Maintenance and Snow, says, “We use equipment manufacturers’ representatives to train our staff on best practices and proper use of the equipment.” Along with this training, Gelderman creates SOP’s (standard operating procedures) for each piece of equipment to be reviewed by the operator.

Grant adds, “We work hard that our snow and ice management services meet our contractual obligations through continual improvement of our quality management system and a commitment to comply with industry standards. We show care in all that we do by delivering our service with integrity, respect and technical knowledge.”

Gelderman Landscape Services recently achieved certification in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001 / SN 9001. Gelderman Landscape Services is the third snow contractor in Canada to have been certified to standard. “By taking part in ISO, we have improved processes and increased efficiency, which will result in increased customer satisfaction,” says Grant.

Along with equipment and safety training, snow managers and staff members visit the customer sites that they will service to review snow maps and services. Snow map route books are printed for each route.

At the end of November, a mock snow event is held from 4 a.m. till 8 a.m. to allow all staff to view the sites in the dark and practice driving and using the equipment on-site.

Equipment prep

All equipment is oil sprayed to prevent damage due to salt usage and each licensed vehicle undergoes an annual safety check using outside mechanics.

The final step for winter preparation is placing Gelderman’s distinctive logo on all rented or purchased new equipment, along with ID numbers and the installation of GPS technology.

Forecasts are calling for colder than normal conditions, with above-normal precipitation and snowfall. Are you prepared for what’s ahead? Gelderman Landscape Services is.