There are many different methods to take on the challenge of winter, and here at Gelderman Landscape Services, we’ve been honing our response for 60+ years.
The unpredictability of the winter season is one of the biggest challenges that a snow removal company faces. Gelderman Landscape Services takes on a snow event in 4 stages:
**1. Monitoring**
*Our team of snow managers is continually monitoring the weather, and sending out patrols when there is inclement weather in the forecast. Patrols drive through properties tracking snow accumulation and icy conditions and report back to their managers who are reviewing the storm system and putting a plan in place.*
**2. Maintaining**
*In the case of a longer event, managers will dispatch our crews to sites during precipitation. You may see a crew come to your property and not completely clear your sidewalks or throughways, and not even touch your driveway! Gelderman’s crews will cycle through sites, focusing on opening throughways, creating paths on sidewalks and maintaining emergency accesses.*
**3. Clearing**
*Once precipitation has stopped, the crews will continue through the properties and clear walkways, throughways, any accessible driveways and visitor parking areas. Gelderman communicates which areas of a site our crews are responsible for clearing via a “snow map.” This map has been shared with a property representative before the winter season and indicates which areas of the property Gelderman is responsible for clearing.*
**4. Final Clean Up**
*The event cleanup usually happens within 24 hours of the storm moving through, and includes final touch-ups and a quality check by one of our snow managers. Sometimes, where we have agreed to pile snow doesn’t work out due to a blockage or even just too much snow. At these times, our crew leaders will use their discretion and pile the snow in another area. In this case, the snow will need to be relocated during event clean up. Any snow relocations that have been requested by the property are also done as part of the final event clean up.*
Throughout an extended event, this process may return to steps 1, 2 & 3 multiple times before the final clean up can be done. The challenge our snow team faces is making the appropriate decisions based on the current and forecasted conditions.
**Thank you to all our customers for trusting Gelderman to care for your property this winter!**