Winter Services Overview

Even before winter storms begin we monitor the weather forecast and prepare our crews for snow events. Gelderman Landscape Services remains staffed and on winter alert and accessible by phone and email 24 hours a day.

Snow Removal

During any snowfall our priority is to open up major entrances, fire routes and roadways with the use of plows to allow traffic flow and access by emergency vehicles. We endeavor to make all roadways passable by 7:00 a.m. following an overnight snowfall, providing it has stopped snowing before 2:00 a.m.

General snow clearing operations will commence without call upon any snow accumulation of 2”(5cm) or more any day of the week including weekends and holidays. Snow clearing involves pushing snow to the perimeter of designated areas. Residual snow and ice may exist upon completion.
Once the snow has ceased to fall, we will then complete all driveways, walkways and throughways (based on contract specifications). Driveways and walkways will be cleared using hand shovels, snow blowers and/or bobcats or toolcats with poly-edge blades.

During prolonged snowfalls, sidewalk crews will endeavor to keep main entrances and walkways passable through periodic visits, and will return upon the completion of the snowfall to complete the service.

When Precipitation Falls as Rain

Our snow removal crews’ priority will be to cycle through our properties to clear slush from major entrances, roadways and storm drains with the use of plows to allow traffic flow and access by emergency vehicles.


Once adequate plowing and clearing has been done to maintain safe and open conditions, salt trucks will be dispatched.

Salt / Ice-Melter application is made under the following circumstances:

  • During snow events where total accumulation are expected to be 2” (5cm) or less
  • Upon completion of snow clearing operations to control residual snow/ice and when remaining accumulation is expected to be 2” (5cm) or less
  • To treat areas affected by freezing rain, ice pellets, sleet and other precipitation producing ice accumulations
  • Upon observation of hazards during property inspections
  • Upon request of owner

The use of salt/de-icing material is designed to expedite the process of melting/elimination of ice and snow in target areas, and may be affected by such variables as air/ground temperature, moisture content of precipitation, etc.